Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Where to begin...

It feels as if there are so many thoughts swirling around in my head these days. I need an outlet, a place to share freely the thoughts and feelings du jour. I have been blessed and challanged by this strange new art of blogging that I have decided I would take a stab at it.

So you maybe wondering now, "Why Tiny Offerings?" You may or may not know this about me but I am a songwriter. I wrote a song earlier this year about the story of the widow's mite from Luke 21. After a series of events in my own life I could not shake this story from my head. This remarkable woman's story struck a chord in my heart that I had to write about it. The song goes like this...

Two Small Coins
by Bree Aseltine (c) 2005

He stopped to watch her as she entered into His temple
She looked so small and simple there among the rich and the powerful
Clutched between her fingers were two small coins too small for worth

She came with all she had
She came with everything
Will you join with her and bring your everything?

He shed a tear and smiled as he watched her give her gift
And though its value small that gift was worth eternal bliss
So when I feel small and poor I will give what I have with joy

She gave all she had
She gave everything
Will you join with her and give your everything

Not a mite should I withhold from you, my Lord
For nothing I can bring is too small to please my King

We all have some tiny, yet eternally valuable offering to bring. I hope that this blog will help serve as a place to share my tiny offerings. Sometimes it may be song lyrics, sometimes random thoughts, perhaps a photograph or a quote. What ever the form these offerings take I hope they serve to bless your hearts and the heart of my King.


Roseuvsharon said...


You may never know who you can touch with a blog. I started one several months ago and have been able to answer questions from someone who called themselves an atheist, yet it was evident they were seeking something more than what this crazy world has to offer. Best wishes as you strive to honor and serve your Lord and share inspiring thoughts with us.

Eliza said...

Congratulations on joining the blog world! :)

Kristen Gough said...

Yay! I know I will be blessed to read the thoughts that find their way onto this blog of yours. with anticipation and joy... krissylou