Thursday, May 18, 2006

This is a Moped

In approximately 3 weeks my dear friends, Kathleen and Brett, will be moving back to Seattle from Maine. There are many, many reasons why this makes me very happy but the reason I am writing today is to talk about one of those reasons in particular.

During their years living in Maine, Brett and Leen, discovered the joy of the endearing little machine known as a moped. And when I had the opportunity to visit them almost 2 years ago I had the opportunity to go for a nice long ride on one of these amazing little bikes. I must admit that I was really scared to ride at first. It had been years since I had even been on a bicycle. And add to that the fact that I didn't really know how to operate a moped and you have scared little me. But I went for it and oh how happy I am that I did. I was hooked! So much so that when Leen and Brett arrive in Seattle it will be with a moped for me.

I discover as I share this news with people that most of my friends are confused as to what a moped really let me show you.

The name moped comes from the fact that they have both a motor (gas powered) and pedals. Many people think that a scooter is a moped and this is not so because scooters do not have pedals. Hopefully this clears up any confusion you may have about mopeds. This photograph is not of my soon to be moped, but when I get it I will definitely post pictures!

I just won a helmet on an eBay auction and it is on its way to me. So now all I need is for my moped to arrive and I will be off. This summer weather is really making me antsy to have my moped. I have been seeing more and more mopeds out in the glorious weather and I long to be among them. It will be great fun, indeed!


Kristen Gough said...


Whose moped is that, anyway? It's cute!

Bree said...

I found it on a google search. I thought it was a cute one too!

Me said...

YAY FOR MOPEDS! :) Your explanation of how they differ from scooters is good! *sniff, wipes away tear* I taught you well!