Thursday, June 15, 2006

Silver and Gold

When I was little I was in the Girl Scouts. We had a song we used to sing that went like this...

Make new friends, but keep the old
One is silver and the other Gold

I am thinking of all the times I sang that song as a kid. And as I remember I realize that I had no real concept back then of what those words really meant. But today I am am fully aware of their beauty.

Yesterday was a day for golden friends. I had coffee and phone calls with some of my dearest friends who have been with me for years. And the past weekend was filled with many other old friends as we reunited for a wedding. It is so good to connect with these friends. The champions of my life that know my story and have walked with me through so many of life's ups and downs. Their love and support mean so much to me because their roots run deep in my soul and touch some of the most hidden places of my life. To my golden friends, I will keep you always in my heart as pillars of strength and love. I love you all and hope that I can be in some small measure the kind of friend you have been to me.

But not all my friends are gold. I have been blessed in recent months with many silver friends. Somehow, in the midst of a somewhat unchanging life, new people have drifted into my world and quickly endeared themselves to me. With kind words and hearts, laughter and joy they have found a place in my heart. There is an excitement that these new friendship bring as we learn and explore the new terrain. To my silver friends, Your presence blesses me and challanges me to grow and explore. I look forward to the many new adventures and memories your lives will bring to mine. And I look forward to that day when you will become golden too.

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