Monday, March 19, 2007

The Difficulty in Dreaming

I have always been one who considers herself a dreamer. I love to sit and ponder the possibilities that life holds and wonder what adventures wait for me in the future. But recently I have found myself slipping into a fog of disillusionment. For as much hope can be found in dreaming, often times there is equally as much disappointment. See, dreaming requires much forward thinking, an ability to see beyond the here and now. And this kind of vision is not always so easy to come by.

Yesterday I was reminded that we are called to be dreamers in spite of the fact that dreams may not always come true. God plants a dream in our hearts not always to bless us with its fulfillment but to use us as a tool for laying the foundation for its fulfillment.

I will admit that I have mixed feelings about this revelation. I feel discouraged at the thought that the things I so deeply long for may not be realized in my life. But then my heart is lifted in the promise that there is a purpose in the dreaming and it will be made good, even if some where beyond my lifetime.

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