Friday, August 04, 2006

Happy Memories

It is a friday and things around the office are a little slow. I have iTunes playing to keep me company while I work (or try to work). Sufjan Stevens is playing now. And as the song Casimir Pulaski Day plays I find my mind drifting back to a happy memory. It's ironic really since the song itself is actually quite sad.

It was about a year ago. The birthday party was over and only a few of us remained to help clean up and enjoy each others company a little longer. Sufjan was singing to us on that summer night too. Something about the kitchen in that old house, so spacious and dimly light, and the music called to us to dance. We coupled off and taught each other dance moves we had learned along the way. We laughed and twirled. We played the song over and over again to perfect our moves.

It was such a simple act but there I was surrounded by friends I love so dearly and dancing without a care. It is a memory that I will cherish always. And anytime I hear Sufjan singing Casimir Pulaski Day I will dance a little, even if only in my heart.

1 comment:

Kristen Gough said...

a very, very good memory, indeed. life is beautiful. better than the movies, better than art, better than poetry, better than the best songs. to be that free and happy, with friends who are all feeling it too--what an immense and glowing gift! i'm glad that's a memory we share, bree. love you, kristen