Monday, April 02, 2007

To Pick One Dream...and Pursue It

In a recent effort to do some cleaning around the house I came across a stack of birthday cards that I received last year. I read through the messages to see what words of friendship and love I could find. One card in particular contained words that still, days later, are ringing in my ears. Every now and then a friend can blow you out of the water with the depth of insight that they bring. Reading the card from my friend Eric was one of those experiences.

The words that I cannot seem to shake are these. "Take one dream and pursue it, please. For it would be such a waste for such talent and passion to go unused."

A few days before the birthday that Eric and I share we got into a conversation where Eric dared to ask about what my dreams for the future are. Oh, how I hate that question! I have said before that I am a dreamer so my hatred of that question has nothing to do with having nothing to offer up as an answer. My loathing comes from fear. I fear that in speaking a dream aloud, sharing it with another human soul, that somehow if I am not able to bring that dream to fruition that I have failed miserably and that I have disappointed the one to whom the dream is shared. So when someone has the audacity to ask me what my dreams are I tend to speak in vague generalities to save us both any future disappointment.

Eric's comment came, and still comes, to me as a rare mix of loving encouragement and gentle rebuke that only a friend can offer. He caught me being cautious and non-committal with my dreams and gave be a nudge to let go of the fear I have of my own dreams. I don't know if that was Eric's intention in saying what he did or perhaps he became a momentary mouthpiece of God. Nonetheless, these words speak with great power into the hidden places of my heart where I hide my dreams.

All this has led me to think that it is time to follow the words of my friend and pick one dream. One dream to explore and get to know, not be afraid of. One dream to nurture and pursue. So in the days ahead I will pull my many dreams out into the light and see which one stirs the most excitement in my heart when I think of pouring myself into its pursuit. And then I will muster up the courage to share that dream and begin the journey. Wish me luck.

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