Thursday, February 02, 2006

With the news just in from Punxsutawney Phil...

After consulting with my friends in the groundhog community I am afraid that the next 6 weeks will be filled with more of this dismal winter weather. This is something that most definitely makes me feel a bit sad. These gray, cold, rainy days are really starting to take their toll on me.

Even with Punxsutawny Phil's bad news the day has not been a total bust. My old roommate and fellow monkey enthusiast, Melissa, introduced me to the most wonderful world of Monk-E-Mail at (remember all the commercial with the chimps in the offices?)

Things at work have been rather slow the past week but thanks to Monk-e-mail today has been full of laughs. I mean truly, the way to fix any problem is simple just add a talking chimp. Just give it a try and I am sure you will find yourself doubled over in laughter.

1 comment:

Me said...

I *heart* monk - e - mail. I would like to give it chigs and higs and hugs and perhaps, even marry it. Oh wait. I am already married. Well, I guess I'll just send it to everyone I know. That will have to do.